
Jupiter is what you would call "off his rocker". He is the most insane of the group alongside Saturn. He's also the most hyper.
Venus Crush
He first became weird when he met Venus. Everyone else knows he has a crush on her, except Venus herself. She's amazingly oblivious to it, and this is the butt of the joke in many strips.
Yes he does wear women's clothing occasionally, and he does seem to like Pluto a lot, but he's totally straight... OR IS HE?
They like being weird together.
As already stated, he has an insanely large crush on her and she is oblivious to it, despite having mutual feelings.
They're friends, despite Earth making fun of him on a regular basis :P
Jupiter gets on Mars's nerves a LOT, but Jupiter still really likes him.
Saturn really likes Jupiter. The 2 are the weirdest of the group, so its only natural they'd be good friends. :P
Ana thinks of Jupiter as just another stupid boy. Jupiter is a bit scared of her, but likes her anyway.
Since they are on almost completely opposite ends of the normallity spectrum, they don't talk as much as they do with others in the group, but they do occasionally.
Best friends. They have an ongoing injoke in which they call eachother "bitch" a lot. Jupiter seems to like Pluto a bit too much sometimes.
Random Facts
- Right-handed
- Falling in love with Venus made him weird
- Is most like me (in almost every single way)
- Acts like a little kid
- Is the only one to not have a yellow sun. Its red because Jupiter the planet has a great red spot :P
- His tongue can extend to 5 times the length of his body!!